Coming soon...
We put in our order for our new car last night. When Paul called the bank over the weekend to check on loans, he was referred to a local guy who can save us a whole bunch of money. He takes orders from people and goes to auctions to find them what they want. So instead of paying all the extra fees and stuff that a regular used-car dealer would add on, we just pay auction price plus $950. He claims that he can get us a newer car than we expected with lower mileage -- for a lower price.
We test-drove a couple of cars over the weekend, and we decided to go with a Honda CR-V. That way, we'll have plenty of space -- for traveling, camping, and hauling Christmas presents. :)
Since the CR-V is a pretty popular vehicle, the buyer says we should have one in a couple of weeks or less...
LOL... Yeah, first it was the guy at the dealership, who pretty much told us not to go too far without paying $1000 to get the struts fixed. Then we were in a parking lot the other day when Paul tried to open the passenger door and ended up with a door handle in his hand. We always said we were going to run the thing into the ground, and I think we've succeeded.
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