Friday, February 25, 2005


I started my acupuncture course today - and I love it! The class is taught in a very contemporary manner - i.e. minimal emphisis on traditional chinese medicine, with the focus instead on the anatomy, neurology, and endocrine system - the various goals are to decrease pain, increase blood flow to an area, and influence the level of secretions (e.g. hormones and blood-borne chemical regulators)...but enough about the technical details. We even had a chance today start using the needles - both with a partner, and also on ourselves. Here's my warning - I'm going to be looking for guinea pigs to practice on, and I figure that anyone who is slow moving will be fair game.

There's about 50 people taking the course - quite a few chiros, a few medical doctors (from New Jersey!), massage therapists, physiotherapists...I saw a couple of people that I knew from school, so we'll be car-pooling to Hamilton together (@McMaster University)

The course will run for 5 weekends between now and June, at which point I will be fully certified to start using it on patients. Talking about patients - I started working in Courtice last week, and it is definitely much busier than the clinic in Whitby (I saw 11 patients on Thursday). Dr. Hadden has been supportive, but has also given me space to do my own thing.



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