Trouble in car land
We were supposed to get our new car last night, but that didn't end up happening. Talk about frustrating! Paul called in the afternoon to say that he'd talked to Andy, the guy we're getting the car from, and Andy said that he still didn't have the extra key, two key fobs, and owner's manual he'd promised (right now, it's got just one key and no manual). So we decided to wait. As Paul said, if Andy's still got the car sitting there, it'll put a little extra pressure on him to get it done.
In the end, though, we wouldn't have gotten the car even if we'd decided to go ahead with it. Paul left work early to get the loan stuff taken care of, and it turned out that the woman we've been working with went home sick. She left the paperwork with someone else, but Paul discovered that some of the details were wrong -- and the guy at the bank wasn't authorized to make the changes. So we got hit with a double-whammy yesterday.
Meanwhile, at home, I went out over lunch to clean my stuff out of the Lumina. I was in the middle of the task when I noticed that the interior light wasn't coming on. I tried a few other things and concluded that the battery was dead. So we had to charge it last night. Paul tried to drive it around the block -- and ended up walking halfway after the car died mid-block. So we've been trying to charge it, but nothing seems to be working -- it's not keeping a charge. So how we're going to get it charged enough to drive it into the city on Thursday and get our trade-in out of it, we're still not quite sure... Keep your fingers crossed for us.
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